Please complete the survey below to help Visit Belfast work out the carbon impact of our staff commuting. "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last On average, how many days a week do you work from any one of Visit Belfast sites?*On site classifies as Visit Belfast Welcome Centre, Airport, Cruise Terminal or Grand Central. 0 Days 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days On average, how many days a week do you work from home?* 0 Days 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days How do you travel to work?*Please select the option you mostly do when commuting to work Walk Drive Bus (walking or cycling to bus stop) Bus (drive to bus stop) Train (walking or cycling to station) Train (drive to station) Glider (walking or cycling to glider stop) Glider (drive to glider stop) Cycle Other Please provide further details of your commute.What sort of vehicle do you drive? Petrol Car Diesel Car Electric Car Hybrid Car Plug-in Hybrid Car Motorbike To the nearest mile, how many miles do you drive each day? Please include mileage for both travelling to and from work eg round tripTo the nearest mile, how many miles do you walk each day. Please include walking both to and from work eg round tripTo the nearest mile, how many miles do you travel by bus? Please include mileage for both travelling to and from work eg round tripTo the nearest mile, how many miles do you travel by train? Please include mileage for both travelling to and from work eg round tripTo the nearest mile, how many miles do you travel by glider? Please include mileage for both travelling to and from work eg round tripDo you car share? Yes, with another member of Visit Belfast staff Yes, not with a member of Visit Belfast staff No What factors influence your choice of transport when commuting to work? Cost of travel Travel time (journey time) Environmental impact (carbon footprint) Availability of transport options (e.g public transport routes or parking) Convenience and comfort Health and fitness (e.g walking or cycling) Incentives (such as The Active Travel Challenge) Other (please specify) Factors such as: