The story of Belfast’s visitor economy over the past three years has been one of continuous growth and improvement: growth in visitor numbers and economic impact, but also growth in confidence in the city’s ability to attract a burgeoning market of leisure visitors and business events that create a strong legacy for the city’s economy and its local communities.


Throughout this period, guided by its Rebuilding City Tourism 2021-24 strategy, Visit Belfast has played a core role in driving this growth and improvement in tourism’s impact. The severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the visitor economy of Belfast and Northern Ireland at large has been well documented. Yet while national and international travel has resumed (and in some cases already exceeded 2019-levels of demand), consumer preferences for travel have continued to evolve, heavily influenced by a significant increase in the cost of living.


Despite  challenging conditions, Belfast has continued to deliver outstanding levels of visitor satisfaction, establish its reputation as an attractive city break destination, attract a record number of cruise calls and passengers and attract business events that have delivered demonstrable social and economic benefits for the people of Northern Ireland.


Visit Belfast’s new three-year strategy New Horizons for Belfast City Region 2024-2027 and one-year business plan (2024-2025)  are focused on enhancing Visit Belfast’s efforts to:


● Grow the visitor economy in the Belfast city region in an inclusive and sustainable way
● Position the Belfast city region as a front of mind destination for leisure visits, business events and days out
● Enhance the experience for visitors by showcasing Belfast city region as a diverse and welcoming destination with a unique neighbourhood offer
● Sustain its approach to championing sustainability, pioneering impactful initiatives, inspiring sustainable choices amongst visitors and clients and telling Belfast’s sustainability story.


Download our business plan for 2024 – 2027 here.

Download the Belfast Playbook here.