Belfast Zoo is thrilled about the arrival of a new Rothchild’s Giraffe born on August 13th. Neja, an experienced mother, welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Belfast Zoo is delighted to announce the arrival of the third baby Rothchild’s giraffe this year. Ballycarrie was born in January, followed by Ballyarchie in July and now a gorgeous girl in August. Despite not being triplets, this majestic trio have already formed a strong bond and their level of cuteness together is off the charts.

Giraffes are globally recognized and adored animals, yet they are encountering growing dangers in their natural habitat, such as poaching and loss of living space. Rothschild’s giraffes are among the most at risk of the nine-giraffe subspecies.
Zoo manager, Alyn Cairns, expressed his excitement about the new calf that has just arrived in the giraffe house.” In 1988, we introduced Rothschild’s giraffes and have since rejoiced in the arrival of 39 baby giraffes. We are honoured to be involved in a European breeding initiative and cooperate with zoos globally. Our success in breeding plays a role in guaranteeing the existence of a secure population of this threatened subspecies”.
Giraffes deliver their babies while standing up, with the front feet coming out first, followed by the head, neck, and shoulders. The calf drops over five feet to the ground, experiencing no pain but prompting it to take its initial deep breath. Calves are born at a height of five to six feet, able to stand within 30 minutes and start running after just 10 hours!

It is tradition at Belfast Zoo that any new giraffe calves born are named after towns and villages that begin with Bally. Keeping with tradition a shortlist of three names has been drawn up by the giraffe care team.
The public are invited to comment on the zoo’s Facebook post to vote for their favourite name out of the options Ballycassidy, Ballyshannon, Ballylinney.
Voting will close on Friday 30th August at 4pm. The new calf is currently on show and can be visited daily.