Belfast Zoo was overjoyed with the birth of not one but three new Gentoo Penguins last month. With flamboyant red-orange beaks, white-feather caps, and peach-coloured feet, gentoo penguins stand out against their “pebble beach” habitat and are a firm favourite with visitors.

These charismatic waddlers, are the penguin world’s third largest members, reaching a height of 30 inches and a weight of 12 pounds. Chicks have grey backs with white fronts. As the Gentoo penguin waddles along on land, its tail sticks out behind, sweeping from side to side, hence the scientific name Pygoscelis, which means “rump-tailed”. There are now 47 Gentoo penguins in the flock.

Zoo manager, Alyn Cairns said ““The penguins are always a firm favourite with our visitors, especially the underwater viewing area where you can admire their swimming skills!  We have no doubt that the chicks will be extremely popular with visitors this summer. Call by the penguin habitat at 2.30pm every day to see them enjoying their ‘fish suppers’ and to catch a glimpse of the three little chicks.”

Gentoo parents are highly nurturing. At breeding time, both parents will work to build a nest of stones, grass, and feathers. The mother then lays her eggs, which both parents take turns incubating for more than a month. Hatchlings remain in the nest for up to a month, and the parents alternate brooding duties. They are seasonally monogamous, though some pairs may remain together throughout their life.

Like all penguins, gentoos are awkward on land. But they’re pure grace underwater. They have streamlined bodies and strong, paddle-shaped flippers that propel them up to 22 miles an hour, making them the fastest-swimming penguins in the world!

Whilst Gentoo penguins are not on the endangered list, they do face threats in the wild from pollution, overfishing and threats to their nesting sites from industrial development. Because of these threats, it is vital that breeding programs continue, and Belfast Zoo is delighted with the success of their Gentoo flock.

Make a visit to see this new trio a part of your summer schedule.

Photo credit- Ruairi Zookeeper